Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014
Juvenile Criminal Responsibility: Need to Address the Issue Through Other Jurisdictions of World
Dr. Arvind P. Bhanu
Abstract :
The horrifying gang-rape case in Delhi where a juvenile proved to be the most utal among six offenders has raised hue and cry all over the Country after he could get a bare three years custodial sentence by Juvenile Justice Board (JJB). It is statistically calculated that in a decade since 2000, sexual assaults by Juveniles upon women have increased fivefold. Among other incidences, a very recent example of juvenile being involved in gang-rape case in Mumbai�s Shakti Mills and the Guwahati case. The increasing trend in the incidence of juvenile crimes is a matter of grave concern of legality and desirability of Juvenile justice itself. Why should juveniles above 16 indulging in violent crimes not be treated as adult criminals? Why should juveniles who are privy to a heinous crime not be given the same punishment as others? Why should our juvenile justice law not follow tough with violent juvenile�s approach being followed by other juvenile system in world? These are the key issues indented to be discussed in this paper.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Arvind P. Bhanu Juvenile Criminal Responsibility: Need to Address the Issue Through Other Jurisdictions of World International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014
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Dr. Arvind P. Bhanu Juvenile Criminal Responsibility: Need to Address the Issue Through Other Jurisdictions of World International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014
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