Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Job Embeddedness: A Conceptualization Link Through Social Capital Theory

P. Senthil Prakash

Abstract :

This conceptual investigation extends job embeddedness theory, is to understand the perspective on why people stay in the organization. The enquiry made drawing social capital theory to analyze the phenomenon of an employee stay or quit from the organization. The dimension made for the discussion is on-the-job and off the job, which distinguish the influencing factors of internal and external of employee in the organization. On-the-job factors are considered under the organizational perspective, where off-the-job is under community. It becomes more vital to be aware of antecedents of the employees to quit from the organization by keeping social capital theory as a moderator. Such practical intelligence aids attrition management and help organization to encourage job embeddedness. In conclusion, we recommended a quantity of ways and means to make employee to stay in the organization.

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P. SENTHIL PRAKASH Job Embeddedness: A Conceptualization Link Through Social Capital Theory

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