Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

It‘s in the Air

Nalla Sandeep, Niradi Madhavi, Ashwini Thandu, Poreddy Lakshmi, Sravan Kumar, Rajya Laxmi

Abstract :


To determine the level of aerosol contamination with or without pre–procedural oral rinse produced during tooth preparation and also compå the effectiveness of three commercially available mouth rinses.

Materials & Methodology:

In this study 45 participants were divided into three study groups based on mouth rinse

Group A [ n= 15] – Betadine group [ 1%povidone iodine]

Group B [ n= 15] – Hexidine group [0.2% chlorhexidine]

Group C [ n= 15] – Hiora group [ Herbal extract]

From each participant two samples were collected one is without mouth rinse and other with mouth rinse. Blood agar plates were placed on patient’s chest at a distance of 12" from patient’s mouth. Tooth preparation was carried out and aerosols were collected onto blood agar plates for a period of 10 mins, these plates were incubated at 37Ëš for 24 hours. After incubation Colony forming units were counted and sent for statistical analysis.


Paired t–test was done to compare mean and SD values of CFU before and after the use of mouth rinse. Three groups showed reduction in mean values of CFUs after mouth rinse which was statistically significant. One way ANOVA showed the difference was more in Group A compared to Group B & C. But the difference was not statistically significant.


Pre–procedural mouth rinse before any dental procedure reduces the contamination of dental aerosols and thereby reducing the risk of transmission of infectious agents. Among the three mouth rinses 1% povidone iodine showed greater effect.

Keywords :

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Nalla Sandeep, Niradi Madhavi, Ashwini Thandu, Poreddy lakshmi, Sravan kumar, Rajya laxmi, It's in the Air, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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