Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Isolation and identification of chitinase producing antifungal rhizobacteria.

Ajay Kumar, Suman Saurabh, Rishish Sharma, Ashim Roy, Aligeti Ganesh, Aamir Javed

Abstract :

The public concern over the harmful effects of chemical pesticides on the environment and human her as enhanced the searchfor safer, environment friendly controlealternatives . Control of the plant pests the application of biological agents holds great promise as an alternative to the use of chemicals. It is genrally recognized that biological control agents are safer and more environmentally sound than is reliance on the use of high volume of pesticides. . It is widely distributed in nature as an integument of insect and crustaceans and as a cell wall component of fungi and algae. Chitinases poly ( 1,4– ( N; acetyl ; B; lucosaminide) glycahodrolase are a group of enzymes that able to degrade chitin directly into low molecular weight products. In this study 18 soil samples were randomly collected from the rhizosphere of wheat from different villages of district, Faridabad. These soil samples were used for the isolation of antifungal chitinase producing bacterial strains. A total of 40 chitinase producing bacterial isolates were obtained. Antagonistic activity of all the isolates was tested against fugal pathogen Fusariumoxysporiumusing standard dual culture technique. Out of the forty isolates eight isolatesproved to be positive antagonists of this fungal pathogen i.eFusariumoxysporium. The inhibition of tested fungal pathogen by bacterial isolates varied from 32.00%– 65.00% and average percentage inhibition was calculated as 56.00% R6 has been found as the best isolate showed thein terms of percentage inhibition of fussariumoxysporiumi.e 65.00a%. Due to the importance of cytinolytic enzymes in insects, Nematode, and fungal groth and development, they are receiving attention in regard to their development as biopesticides or chemical defence proteins in transgenic plants and micronbial biocontrol agents. In this sence, biological control of some soil – one fungal disease has been correlated with chitinase production. This study will lead to isolatic antagonistic Rizobacterial strains having chitinolytic activity against the prevalent fungal athogenes effecting crops, such isolates may be developed into successful soil inoculums strains.

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Ajay Kumar, Suman Saurabh, Rishish Sharma, Ashim Roy, Aligeti Ganesh, Aamir Javed, Isolation and identification of chitinase producing antifungal rhizobacteria., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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