Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Isolation and Identification of Allergens From Aspergillus Fumigatus Isolated From Sericulture Grinage Industry, Hospitals and Agricultural Soil.

A. Harinatha Reddy, G. Nageswari, M. Soumya, B. Venkatappa

Abstract :

In the present study we isolated A. fumigatus from sericulture grinage industry, hospitals and agricultural soil. A. fumigatus is a major contaminant in sericulture grinage industry, hospitals and also associated with allergic diseases in industrial workers. A. fumigatus grows repeatedly on Sabouraud’s agar medium (SAM). Among the three sources, fungus isolated from sericulture grinage industry grew faster. Proteinaceous allergens were extracted from mycelia of A. fumigatus. High amount of protein was yielded in A. fumigatus isolated from sericulture grinage industry. SDS–PAGE analysis clearly revealed that A. fumigatus isolated from contaminated sericulture grinage industry constitute a heterogenous group of protein allergens by expressing 48 KDa and 37 KDa proteins bands which were bands completely absent from isolates of hospital and agricultural soil.

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A. Harinatha Reddy, G. Nageswari, M. Soumya, B.Venkatappa Isolation and Identification of Allergens From Aspergillus Fumigatus Isolated From Sericulture Grinage Industry, Hospitals and Agricultural Soil. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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