Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Is a Student a Customer or Creator?

Dr. P. Mary Rabaline Claret

Abstract :

We live in a consumer society, so it is hardly surprising that even universities, or rather higher education has begun to be perceived in terms of commodities. In this ave new academic world, in which a sort of commercialized new term has been created, every individual is called a revenue centre, every group of people is a stakeholder, every student is a customer, every professor is an entrepreneur, and every institution is seen as a seeker of profit - whether in the form of money or in the form of human capital. Thirty years ago the connection between business and higher education was seen as a necessary evil. In the current scenario, in spite of the voices of protest against the introduction of managerialism to the running of higher education institutions and increased cooperation between the business sector and universities, the commercialization of higher education is a fact. The students who think they are customers of their universities, feel like they are being owed something as a student and don’t think of themselves as being “creator” of knowledge and education. A student who holds “Student As a Customer” perceptions is also likely to hold attitudes and engage in behaviors that are not conducive to success as a student. So, universities may find it useful to inform their student ‘customers’ that they must create their desired educational outcomes with the support of teachers. Universities could emphasize students’ accountability for helping create knowledge and meeting learning expectations. Thus, the society could benefit by specifically defining the student’s role as a “creating” customer rather than as a passive recipient of knowledge.

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Dr.P.MARY RABALINE CLARET Is a Student a Customer or Creator? International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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