Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Interlay myringoplasty – A combination of underlay and overlay technique

Sachin Jain, Dinesh Kumar, Mohd Aftab, Ramsiya Singh

Abstract :

 Objective: To describe the technique and evaluate the advantages of Interlay myringoplasty. Method: A retrospective analysis of 48 cases of simple perforation of tympanic memane was undertaken. The graft was sandwiched posteriorly between the remnants of tympanic memane and meatal skin–tympanic memane epithelium flap.

Result: 44 cases out of 48 were successful (91.6%), having an intact tympanic memane and heå improvement.

Conclusion: In the described interlay technique, posterior annulus is not elevated, so blood supply of the posterior part of tympanic memane remains intact and a large area is available for better take–up of graft. Tucking the anterior lip of the graft under the annulus greatly minimizes the chances of lateralization of graft, rounding off of the anterior canal recess, thus preventing the residual perforation of the anterior part of tympanic memane. Rapid healing process and early epithelization of graft leads to less chances of failure.

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Sachin Jain, Dinesh kumar, Mohd Aftab, Ramsiya Singh, Interlay myringoplasty‾A combination of underlay and overlay technique, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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