Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Integration and Transformation of HR as a Strategic Partner in Business Operations

Mrs. Shammy Shiri

Abstract :

HR has undergone dramatic changes over the last few years. These include downsizing of the HR workforce, structural reorganizations, delegations of HR authority to line managers, and an influx of technology. Organisations are redefining the role of HR professional to be more consultative than rules-oriented. Increased emphasis and the need to improve the efficiency of HR services are leading to innovative approaches to redesigning HR delivery systems. This paper focuses on understanding the functions of HR and how it can transform itself and contribute in business operations and become a business partner. Since there is growing concern over how to meet organizational needs with fewer HR professionals. Competencies help organizations to focus on the characteristics their employees must possess in order to be successful. Thus, organisation do not have to “reinvent the wheel” since many existing models can be tailored to fit individual organizational needs.

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Mrs.Shammy Shiri Integration and Transformation of HR as a Strategic Partner in Business Operations International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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