Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Insecticidal Activity of Two Herbal Plant Extracts Against Tribolium Castaneum (Coleoptera: Herbst.)

Dr. S. N. Bhalerao

Abstract :

The stored food grain experiences major threat from insect pests. Tribolium castaneum is one of the major pests that infests and damages the stored food grains worldwide. This is a common pest in the commodities including grain, flour, peas, nuts, dried fruits etc. In this study the insecticidal activity of herbal plant extracts of Eugenia Jambolana (Jamun) seed and Aloe vera (Grihta Kumari) gum extracts were tested against the adults and larvae of Tribolium castaneum. The duration dependent increased percent mortality was observed with both the extracts and the mixture. The Aloe vera gum extract was found more effective than E. Jambolana seed extract after 96 hours in adults and larvae. In the mixture of the compounds a comparatively lower mortality was observed than the individual extracts. The Aloe vera gum extract exhibited a possibility to be an alternative to the synthetic insecticides in the management of T. castaneum pest.

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Dr. S. N. Bhalerao Insecticidal Activity of Two Herbal Plant Extracts Against Tribolium Castaneum (Coleoptera: Herbst.) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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