Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Inheritance of fertility restoration in Sorghum cytoplasmic male sterility systems

Praveen M, Anurag Uttam G, R Madhusudhana

Abstract :

The inheritance of fertility restoration on four cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) systems (A1 , A2 , A3 and A4 ) in sorghum was studied in F1 and F2 generations. Six hyids of A1 , two hyids of A2 and one each of A3 and A4 CMS systems were planted during rainy season of 2012 and were selfed to produce F2 seeds. Ten F2 populations of these hyids were raised during post–rainy season of 2012–13. All plants of each F2 population were selfed and data on fertility/sterility was collected. In A1 CMS, fertile and sterile plants in the F2 involving four hyids segregated in the ratio of 3 ( fertile):1 (sterile), indicating single dominant gene control for fertility restoration. Two other A1 CMS hyids however segregated in 13 ( fertile): 3 (sterile) indicating control of two genes in restoration of fertility. In A2 and A4 , segregation of fertile and sterile plants in the F2 generation was in 3 ( fertile):1 (sterile) ratio, specifying single dominant gene control. The segregation of 15 ( fertile): 1 (sterile) in F2 of A3 suggested operation of two genes in the genetic control of fertility restoration. These results indicate that the genetic control of fertility restoration is not uniform across CMS systems, and varies with the genetic background of the parents involved.

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PRAVEEN M, ANURAG UTTAM G, R MADHUSUDHANA Inheritance of Fertility Restoration in Sorghum Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Systems International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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