Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Influence of Hypertension on the Age of occurrence of Senile Cataract.

K. M. Chitra Devi

Abstract :

Cataract is an important cause for blindness worldwide. Nowadays, hypertension is on increasing trends. This study is aimed to assess the influence of hypertension on the age of occurrence of senile cataract. Study group includes BMI matched, male, bilateral immature senile cataract persons. Among them controls were 50 persons with normal blood pressure and cases were 50 patients with newly diagnosed hypertension, as per JNC7 criteria. The age factor was compared between the two groups by Student’s t test. The mean age was 65.84 years among controls and 60.92 years among hypertensives which is 4.92 years earlier, compå the controls (p value – 0.0001).It is inferred that the occurrence of senile cataract is at an early age in patients with hypertension, compå the normotensive persons.

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K.M.Chitra Devi, Influence of Hypertension on the Age of occurrence of Senile Cataract.,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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