Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

India’s Foreign Policy Under the Prime Minister of Dr. Manmohan Singh

Dr. Badal Sarkar

Abstract :

In this paper an attempt is made the foreign policy of India under the Prime Minister ship of Dr. Manmohan Singh. As a responsible Prime Minister of responsible government he has been acting with sincere for India from the very beginning. Several socio-economic and political atmospheres have been changed and he also accepted the supports from the various political parties both by regional and national parties. He has maintained the non-violence policy in foreign policy. He does not support the terrorist attack on Mumbai’s oberay, Taj hotel and other parts of India. He also has followed the NAM in foreign policy. Dr. Singh has also been following the regional principle of regional organisation such ASEAN, SAARC others. In 2008, oppose to a Civil Nuclear Agreement with the USA the Left Front parties withdrew their support from UPA-I. During the UPA-I Indian’s security both in internal and external was threatened by several terrorist incidents such as a car bomb exploded near an armoured Indian Army vehicle in the famous Church Lane area in Srinagar. Terrorist group Hizbul Mujahidin claimed responsibility for the attack. The terrorist attack at Srinagar’s city centre, Buddha Chowk, on 29 July 2005 and murder of Ghulam Nabi Lone on 18 October 2005, no terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack, Mumbai attacks in 2008 and also Maoist continuing insurgency etc. have emerged in his period.

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Dr. Badal Sarkar India’s Foreign Policy Under the Prime Minister of Dr. Manmohan Singh International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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