Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

India: An Education Hub

Meenakshi K. C.

Abstract :

Education is a process of a major change. Through innovations in technology and teaching methodology, academic institutions are working for the benefit of the student. Education is the instrument in inging all round development of mankind. The objective of education is not only to develop the basic skill of reading and writing but to in calculate the mental and spiritual development. Every individual is endowed with some latent talents. The purpose of education is to explore these talents in a person. For a culture that traditionally values education, it is only natural that India should become an education hub. An average middle-class household in India spends 15 to 20 per cent of its income on education/ careers of children. In fact, education takes the second position after food in the spend hierarchy, with clothing and housing following it.Fuelled by the popular dream of a foreign degree, the Indian education market is on the verge of a boom. Pursuing a course aoad is not always possible because of the inhibiting expenses involved. Since there aren’t as many scholarships as aspirants, foreign education, often an entry point into the West, remains a dream. Realizing the huge market potential, foreign institutes are entering into partnerships with Indian institutes or companies

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Meenakshi K. C. India: An Education Hub International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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