Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Increasing drug resistance and Irrational Pediatric Fixed Dose Combinations: Is there a correlation?

Prof. C. S. Gautam, Dr. Roosy Aulakh

Abstract :

 Formulations containing two or more drugs in combination in a fixed ratio are called fixed dose combinations (FDCs). FDCs can be both rational as well as irrational. These irrational FDCs have numerous consequences associated with them like increased and unnecessary drug adverse reactions due to harmful &/or useless components, increased medication cost, poor clinical response in patients due to inappropriate dosage of individual components and above all increase in antibiotic resistance due to overuse or unnecessary use of antibiotic(s) present in FDC. We have highlighted certain irrational FDCs commonly prescribed to pediatric population and described the basis of their irrationality to enable the pediatricians to make well informed decisions of not prescribing these irrational drugs. It is high time that comprehensive efforts are made to curb this increasing menace of irrational pediatric FDCs; which would help tackle issue of increasing drug resistance as well.

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Prof. C.S. Gautam, Dr. Roosy Aulakh Increasing drug resistance and Irrational Pediatric Fixed Dose Combinations: Is there a correlation? International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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