Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Incidence and risk factors of bone disorders among selected working women

D. Radhapriya, Dr. U. K. Lakshmi

Abstract :

World Health Organization has declared the first decade of 21st century as “Decade for bone and joint disorders”. Low bone mass fractures is the sixth most disability causing disease in world. Biologically women are more prone to low bone mass disorders. Moreover, the change in life style, food habits and stress has made working women vulnerable to disorders like osteopenia. The present study is focused on measuring Bone Mineral Density among selected group of working women and attributing the reasons of bone disorders with respect to food habits, body-mass index and life style patterns.

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D.Radhapriya, Dr.U.K.Lakshmi Incidence and risk factors of bone disorders among selected working women International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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