Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Incidence and morphology of Retromolar foramen in dried mandible and its clinical implications

Atulya Prasad, Padamjeet Panchal, Rita Kumari, Bheem Prasad, Jacques Britto

Abstract :


Background: The retromolar fossa present behind last molar tooth, may contain a foramen known as Retromolar foramen (RMF) and believed to transmit neurovascular bundle. The nerve can be misplaced fiber of Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) and vessels can be a anch of the Inferior alveolar artery (IAA). The neurovascular bundle may get damage during oral surgery or implant procedure and its presence may lead to failure in anesthesia by regional blockage of IAN.

Aim & Objective: To find out the incidence of occurrence, morphology, its position with respect to various bony landmark and discuss its clinical significance.

Material and methods: 50 Dry adult mandible of known gender of North India origin were included from Department of Anatomy, AIIMS Patna. Complete mandible were included and congenital, acquired deformity and fractured mandible were excluded from the study.

Result: Out of 50 mandible, in 7 mandible RMF were present so, the incidence was 14%. RMF was bilateral in 28.57 % and unilateral in 71.43% of total incidence. Regarding gender among 7 mandible possess RMF, 5 were male and 2 were female.

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Atulya Prasad, Padamjeet Panchal, Rita Kumari, Bheem Prasad, Jacques Britto, Incidence and morphology of Retromolar foramen in dried mandible and its clinical implications, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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