Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

In vitro Propagation of Gymnemasylvestre R. Br. (Retz.)–An Important Antidiabetic Medicinal Plant

Pratibha Gupta , Pratibha Singh

Abstract :

This research work has designed with an objective to develop a cost effective mass multiplication methodin vitro propagation by shoot induction in Gymnemasylvestre R.Br. a valuable medicinal plant. Apical budmeristems were used as explants. Shoots proliferation were achieved on three different medium (MS, White and B5) containing various concentration of BAP. Best shoots initiation (86+0.23%) were achieved on MS withBAP (2mg/l)fromapical bud meristems. The maximum percentages of explants were forming shoots on MS medium.Shoot multiplication and shoots growth were experimented on MS medium containing various cytokinin (BAP and KI) alone and combination with auxins (IAA & NAA) and coconut water (10–50%). A maximum number of shoots (22+ 0.08) and length (8.4+ 0.27) were found on MS with 5mgL–1 BAP + 0.5mgL–1 NAA + 0.2 mgL–1 KI and the other hand high frequency of rooting was observed in explants derived (88+0.23%), maximum number of roots (12±0.26) and root length (10± 0.30 cm) of the plants were noted in the MS medium containing 1.0 mg/l of IBA + 3g/l of charcoal respectively. The plantlets, thus developed were hardened and successfully established in red soil with various plant growth promoting substances like organic compounds. The maximum shoot length (11.48 ± 0.36 cm) and root length (8.50 ± 0.14 cm) were observed with plant grown in red soil + humus rich soil (3:1). The shoot induction protocol developed in this study helps in mass propagation andgermplasm conservation and also for further investigation of medicinally active constituents of this elite medicinal plant.

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Pratibha Gupta , Pratibha Singh In vitro Propagation of Gymnemasylvestre R. Br. (Retz.) � An Important Antidiabetic Medicinal Plant International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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