Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

In vitro Investigation of Allium sativum as antiHead lice in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Najia A. Al Zanbagi, Dina F. Al Hashdi

Abstract :

 Pediculus humanus capitis are considered as the most worldwide feeding blood parasites parasitizing mainly in children. Control of head lice encourages researcher to discover new and safe anti–pediculosis capitis. Head lice are estimated to be abundant in Jeddah city mainly between school girl students, this study was conducted to evaluate effect of garlic juice as natural pediculicide. The approval of its activity was through three consequent stages conducting in vitro tests. Head lice were checked for activity in intervals 30, 60, 90 and 180 minutes in preliminary test. Garlic juice approved high pediculuicidal activity from 30–180 minutes. LC50 and LC90 of garlic juice were estimated in secondary screening as 0.62 ml and 1.02 ml after 30 minutes of exposure. The best concentration of garlic juice was tested as ovicidal and repellent agents and its effect regardless the head lice’s starving was tested.

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Najia A. Al–Zanbagi, Dina F. Al–Hashdi In vitro Investigation of Allium sativum as antiHead lice in Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaInternational Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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