Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

In Relation with Evolutionary Development–the Study of Differences Between the Chimpanzee Thumb and the Human Thumb

Dr. Deepak Howale, Dr Anil Bathija, Dr Sudarshan Gupta, Dr D P Pandit

Abstract :

It is often said that the defining trait which separates man from the animals is an opposable thumb. Without the opposable thumb, human beings might never have enjoy the highly civilized, sophisticated, and technological lifestyles. Opposable thumbs are required for efficient gripping of objects as well as handling fine objects, the skill of refining objects It is interesting to note that a there are species which are similar to humans in ain capacity but lacks in opposable thumb. The chimpanzees due to the lack of an opposable thumb have extremely creating anything more complex than what they already find in their natural surroundings.The emergence of painting, sculpture, and music would have been unthinkable, man require thumbs to hold paint ushes, chisels, and musical instruments.Thus, the opposable thumb to man\'s uniqueness and development. It has been proposed that the hominid lineage (hominid or Hominidae- which includes humans and the great apes like bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans&lineage means -Derivation or Direct descent from a particular ancestor) began when a group of chimpanzee-like apes began to throw rocks and clubbing behaviours, This assertion leads to the prediction that the human hand should be adapted for throwing and clubbing. It is shown that the two fundamental human handgrips, first identified by J. R. Napier, and named them as the ‘precision grip’ and ‘power grip’, represent a throwing grip and a clubbing grip, and provides an evolutionary explanation for the two unique grips, and the extensive anatomical remodelling of the hand that made them possible. These results are supported by palaeoanthropological evidence.1

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Dr. Deepak Howale, Dr Anil Bathija, Dr Sudarshan Gupta, Dr D P Pandit In Relation with Evolutionary Development-the Study of Differences Between the Chimpanzee Thumb and the Human Thumb International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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