Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Improvement of Soil for some Villages of Shehra Taluka by Measuring Potassium Elements. Dist : Panchmahals (Gujarat) India

K. P. Patel

Abstract :

Quality of the soil is important part for growth of any plants related with the crops. Various parameters like Nitrogen

(N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), PH and total Organic Carbon help the soil for improvement of this quality. ?is
study give information to the farmers available Potassium in soil and how to improve the crops in the land of Shehra Taluka Dist : Panchmahals. ?e
fertility index for Potassium for Shehra Taluka 1.26 to 6.5. ?is information will help farmers to decided the problems related to soil nutrients amount
of Fertilizer to be added to soil to make to the production economic.

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K.P.PATEL Improvement of Soil for some Villages of Shehra Taluka by Measuring Potassium Elements. Dist : Panchmahals (Gujarat) India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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