Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Improvement of Satellite Image Resolution Using Discrete Wavelet Transform

R. Srithulasiraman, M. Gobinath

Abstract :

Satellite images are being now-a-days used in all fields. The major problem of these color images are their poor perception. A new method to enhance the satellite image which using the concept of wavelets and threshold decomposition is discussed here. The existing enhancement technique uses DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) to decomposed input image into different sub bands. Threshold decomposition is a powerful theoretical tool, which is used in nonlinear image analysis. Detecting the positions of the edges through threshold decomposition and these edges are sharpened by using morphological filters. This method will give better qualitative and quantitative results. These quantitative (peak signal-to-noise ratio and root mean square error). The visual results show the superiority of the proposed technique.

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R.Srithulasiraman, M.Gobinath Improvement of Satellite Image Resolution Using Discrete Wavelet Transform International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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