Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


M. Deivanai, Dr . P. D. Arumairaj

Abstract :

 important factor in the design and construction of pavement is the behavior of underlying subgrade. Large deformations in the subgrade will lead to a continuous deterioration of the paved surface, as the subgrade soil is too weak to bear the load. Engineering solutions such as geo reinforcement using geo–synthetics and additives are earlier studied and such solutions are not eco–friendly. This paper deals with the effectiveness of solutions using Natural fibers (Coir, Jute, Bamboo& Sisal) for strengthening the subgrade and for designing the pavement. In this study, Proctor’s compaction tests, UCS tests and CBR tests are conducted on locally available soil reinforced with natural fibers. The soil identified for this study has a CBR value of only 1.5%. The behavior of this soil with the addition of natural fiber is studied. A series of laboratory soaked and un–soaked CBR tests are conducted on randomly oriented natural fiberreinforced and un–reinforced soil specimens compacted at OMC and MDD. Test results indicate that Unsoaked and Soaked CBR value of soil increases with increase in fiber content. It is also observed that increase in CBR value of reinforced soil is substantial at fiber content of 1 % for coir fiber and at 0.75% for jute and sisal fiber and at 1.25% for bamboo fiber.The significant increase in CBR value of soil due to natural fiber reinforcement will thus substantially reduce the thickness of pavement subgrade

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M.Deivanai, Dr .P.D.Arumairaj Improvement in Soil Subgrade Reinforced with Natural Fibers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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