Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Importance of Statistical Techniques in Agriculture and Other Fields

Dr. Nitu Mehta Ranka , Dr. Latika Sharma

Abstract :

 Statistics is important in the field of social science, agriculture, medical, engineering, etc because it provides tools  to analyze collected data. Scientists frequently use statistics to analyze research data. Statistics provides scientific  methods for appropriate data collection, analysis and summarization of data and inferential statistical methods for drawing conclusions in  the face of uncertainty. Agricultural researchers and statistician have an important role to play in the agricultural production and development of a nation. Statistical Science is concerned with the twin aspect of theory of design of experiments and sample surveys and drawing  valid inferences there from using various statistical techniques/methods. The art of drawing valid conclusions depends on how the data  have been collected and analyzed. This paper describes the basic concept of statistical research design and techniques used for analysis and  interpretation of investigations.

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Dr. Nitu Mehta (Ranka), Dr. Latika Sharma Importance of Statistical Techniques in Agriculture and Other Fields International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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