Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Importance of pre–natal ceremonies and its muhurtha according Indian Astrology

P Jayaraj, Dr. P A Subramanian

Abstract :

<p><p> To mark various stages of human life, Hinduism had a series of sacraments and rituals referred to as rites of passage in accordance with the Vedas to enable them to lead a Dharmic or righteous life. They could be segregated into two categories, those which were simple and uncomplicated though also considered superstitious and the others which were cultural and priestly and developed when society evolved and humans tried to improve upon nature. By performing a particular Samskara with the corresponding rituals the importance of each milestone of a human being was celeated in society. The important events were oadly classified into pre natal, post natal, educational, marriage and death samskaras and were sixteen in number generally known as Shodasha Samskaras. The Samskaras were flexible and not rigid and were adapted to different times and different localities.Hence before the actual birth of a child, three important ceremonies are enjoined to be performed. They are nuptials (Nisheka), consummation (Garbhadana) and Pumsavana (change of sex)</p></p>

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P Jayaraj, Dr.P A Subramanian Importance of Pre-Natal Ceremonies and its Muhurtha According Indian Astrology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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