Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Implications of Labour Welfare Measures on Quality of Work Life: A Study on Industries at SIPCOT Industrial Estate, Hosur, Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. R. Madhesh

Abstract :

The SIPCOT (State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Ltd.) industrial complex was established in the year 1971 to develop industrial growth in Tamil Nadu. These industrial parks are important for the country in earning Foreign Exchange and providing employment to lakhs of workers. Being highly labour intensive industries, it needs more concentration in the area of employee welfare to increase productivity. In this study, the industries located in SIPCOT industrial complex, Hosur, Dharmapuri District has been selected. This study identifies various welfare measures and effectiveness of those methods. Welfare measures plays important role in employee satisfaction which results in improved quality of work life. This study throws light on the impact of welfare measures on QWL among the employees of SIPCOT industrial area in Dharmapuri district.

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Dr.R.Madhesh Implications of Labour Welfare Measures on Quality of Work Life: A Study on Industries at SIPCOT Industrial Estate, Hosur, Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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