Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Impact of uneven loading of spline teeth pairs on surface of spline tooth.

Harsh Patil, Prof. Gaikwad S. M.

Abstract :

 Spline couplings are used to transmit torque from a shaft to a gear hub or other rotating component. Because multiple teeth engage simultaneously, they can transmit much larger torques than a simple key and keyway assembly. However, manufacturing variations affect the clearance between each pair of mating teeth, resulting in partial engagement. The teeth needs to engage in a sequence, determined by the individual clearances. As the shaft load is applied, the tooth pair with the smallest clearance engages first and then deflects as the load increases, until the second pair engages and so on, until the full load is reached. Thus, only a subset of teeth carries the load. In addition. Due to uneven loading on spline tooth, different types of wear may be observed on tooth. So it is necessary to study tribological properties of spline teeth.

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Harsh Patil, Prof. Gaikwad S. M. Impact of Uneven Loading of Spline Teeth Pairs on Surface of Spline Tooth. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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