Volume : II, Issue : I, January - 2013

Impact of Training on Fostering Entrepreneurship

Dr. Jomon Lonappan

Abstract :

Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of vision, change and creation. It requires application of energy and passion towards the creation and implementation of new ideas and creative solutions. Early exposure to Knowledge and Entrepreneurial skills are very important in developing successful Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship education has experienced unprecedented growth over last 20 years. This can be seen in growth of positions, organizations, research and publications devoted in the area of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education has been a crucial factor that helps youth to understand and foster an Entrepreneurial attitude. In recent years fostering entrepreneurship has become a topic of highest priority in public policy. This trend is due to the widespread recognition that business start-ups are a driving force of economic growth and significant job creation.

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Dr. Jomon Lonappan Impact of Training on Fostering Entrepreneurship International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.I January 2013

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