Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance in Select Public Sector organizations

T. Rajeswari, Dr. P. Palanichamy

Abstract :

Human resource is the life blood of any type of organization. Only through excellent-trained personnel, an organization can achieve its goals. Training is distinct as learning that is provided to get better performance on the present job. Given these flurry, this paper explores the impact of training and development on employee performance in select public sector organization. The research was intended to determine the role and impact of training on employees with emphasis on the Executives, Supervisors and Workmen of select public sector organization, who were randomly selected. The study assessed the training and development process of select public sector organization and whether training has improved employee performance. Questionnaire was designed using structured questions to collect primary data from employees of select public sector organization. The results indicated that select public sector organizations employees were not well informed about training and development programmes in the organization. Most of the employees were of the view that training and development were effective tools for both personal and organizational success. The findings revealed that impact of training and employee satisfaction at public sector organization are not in line with the best practices regarding the planned and systematic levels of performance after training and developing employees skills and knowledge process as is generally known. It was recommended among other things, that the processes involved in training be duly followed, select public sector organization should help its organization identify their career paths and to direct them in the search of better knowledge.

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T. Rajeswari, Dr. P. Palanichamy Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance in Select Public Sector organizations International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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