Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Impact of Online Social Media on Consumer Decision Making: A Study in Dehradun

Dr. Aruna Kumar Mishra, Narendra Kumar, Abhishek Sharma

Abstract :

Consumer decision making is a very complex process which every marketer want to understand and manipulate. In last few years the exponential growth of Internet and smart phones have opened up another media i.e. online social media for the consumers to share information. Many social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. are popular now. Now consumers have access to all types of information  about the products that are going to be launched in near future. There is no doubt that the opinion of peers and the other members of the society affect the purchasing decision of the consumer. It is important now for the marketers to understand how this emerging media affect the purchasing behavior of the consumer. This paper tries to analyze the impact of the online social media on consumer decision making process with emphasis on attitude.

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Dr. Aruna Kumar Mishra, Narendra Kumar, Abhishek Sharma /Impact of Online Social Media on Consumer Decision Making: A Study in Dehradun /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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