Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Impact of Micro Insurance on Self Help Groups in Rural Areas of Andhra Pradesh

Dr. A. Rambabu

Abstract :

Micro insurance initiative for poorest of the Poor to provide cover for death and disability the scheme introduced by Society for Elimination of Rural Property (SERP) an autonomous body promoted by Department of Rural Development Government of Andhra Pradesh. The aim of the Project is inculcate the habit of insurance in low-income household with emphasis on Self management of integration. The awareness about claim process is satisfactory for the initial phase, especially looking into the profile of covered population. Another observation is that the role played by Radio and television in transferring information is nil. Keeping in view the fact that audio & visual media make more impact on the audience, these two sources can be utilized in future. There is also an indication that the impact of Federation (Samakhyas) is low in the districts lagging behind. It is strongly suggested that effort should be done to find out the status of Samakhyas in all districts and necessary steps are taken to strengthen them. Special emphasis can be on the flow of information down to village organization and individual members.

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Dr. A.Rambabu Impact of Micro Insurance on Self Help Groups in Rural Areas of Andhra Pradesh International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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