Volume : I, Issue : I, June - 2012

Impact Of Maternal Nutrition Education Module On Knowledge And Nutritional Status In Urban Pregnant Women

Dr. Anjali A. Rajwade

Abstract :

Preventive maternal health care is beneficial for pregnant woman and her baby as pregnancy is a link between two generations. Routine antenatal care as given today needs innovative changes for better care of pregnant women. Nutritionist can contribute significantly by imparting nutritional education in tandem with health care. The objective of the present study was therefore, to assess the impact of an innovative maternal nutritional education module developed by nutritionist; on nutritional knowledge and nutritional status of pregnant women. 180 urban pregnant women in 1st trimester of pregnancy were selected. Their nutritional knowledge status and nutritional status were assessed. Maternal nutritional education was imparted using a specific educational module by the researcher, with the help of trained nurses. Post education status of the knowledge and nutritional status were assessed. Low, medium and high K level was observed in 84.44%, 15.56% and 0.00% respectively at pre education stage. At the post education stage these changed to 4.44%, 58.33% and 37.23% respectively with pre and post CV of 38.69 and 31.32 respectively. This indicates significantly positive impact on maternal nutritional knowledge due to the module. Percent change in knowledge (with CV of 51.84%) implied significantly positive impact of the educational module. Nutritional status assessment shows that at pre-education stage severely abnormal, moderately abnormal, mildly abnormal and normal status was present in 22.22%, 41.12%, 14.44% and 22.22% respectively. The education ought about change in corresponding status to 5.00%, 8.89%, 35.56% and 50.55% respectively. Marked reduction was observed in severely and moderately abnormal category along with significantly positive improvement in mildly abnormal and normal category. It can be concluded that innovative and specific maternal nutritional education module had ought about significant positive improvement in maternal nutrition knowledge and Nutritional status

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Dr. Anjali A. Rajwade Impact Of Maternal Nutrition Education Module On Knowledge And Nutritional Status In Urban Pregnant Women International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.I June 2012

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