Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Impact of Internet on Student Life

S. Hema, Dr C. S. G. Krishnamacharyulu

Abstract :

 It is clear that one of the most important goals in prepå students for life in the world that is stuffed with information must be the ability to search and evaluate the relevant pieces of information. The students have to learn to work with the E–mail and use the general searching tools. Internet is a big hand of today’s success of the people. Let your kids and school going children know something about internet like its advantages and disadvantages. It helps in drawing their mind towards study a lot. The objective of this paper is intended to focus on growth of Internet usage in India, Internet usage of students, Role of Internet in modern Education. In over all the study shows that how Internet impact student life in positive and negative aspects.

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S.Hema, Dr C.S.G. Krishnamacharyulu Impact of Internet on Student Life International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 8 |August 2016

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