Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Impact of Accreditation on the Quality of Healthcare Services: a Systematic Review of the Literature

Dr. Arindam Chatterjee, Dr. P C Awasthi, Dr. Sunil Basukala

Abstract :

 Accreditation is usually a voluntary program, sponsored by a non–governmental organization (NGO), in which trained external peer reviewers evaluate a healthcare organization‘s compliance and compare it with preestablished performance standards. The aim of this study was to study the existing guidelines and systematic review of various studies related to accreditation in healthcare so as to determine various pitfalls associated with implementation in the country in the light of observation made. Material and methods: A systematic review of various studies related to accreditation in healthcare was performed with certain inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conclusion: In accreditation, there should be commitment to quality improvement, patient safety, improved efficiency and the demonstration of accountability which is of urgent need for key decision–makers and the public in today’s dynamic healthcare environment.

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Dr. Arindam Chatterjee, Dr. P C Awasthi, Dr. Sunil Basukala Impact of Accreditation on the Quality of Healthcare Services: a Systematic Review of the Literature International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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