Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017


Dr. Santosh Singh Gehlot, Dr. Girdharee Lal Saini, Dr. Pratibha Chauhan

Abstract :

 Background: Immunization is one of the most well–known and effective methods of preventing childhood diseases. With the incorporation of pentavalent vaccine under the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) by the Government of India there is reduction in the number of pricks the child gets during vaccination along with the benefits of additional benefits of antigens of Hib. In the State of Rajasthan pentavalent vaccine was first started in 4 selected hospitals in 2014 and later on the whole of the State hospitals are using pentavalent vaccine.


Aims & Objectives: The present study was undertaken:–

1.      To know immunization of children with pentavalent vaccine under Universal Immunization Programme.

2.      To know month–wise trend of immunization of children with pentavalent vaccine under UIP.


Materials and methods: This is an Institutional based study and has been conducted in CHCs, PHCs, and Sub–centers of Mandore Block of Jodhpur District of Rajasthan from 1st October 2015 to 30th November 2016. Children upto one year of age who have been immunized during this period, are included in the study.


Results: During our study period of 14 months, a total of 5175, 4964 and 4735 children below the age of 1 year have been administered with the pentavalent vaccine respectively as 1st, 2nd and 3rd dose under Universal Immunization Programme. From 1st dose to 3rd dose there is slight decrease in the number of immunization of children.


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Dr. Santosh Singh Gehlot, Dr. Girdharee Lal Saini, Dr. Pratibha Chauhan, IMMUNIZATION OF CHILDREN WITH PENTAVALENT VACCINE IN MANDORE BLOCK OF JODHPUR DISTRICT, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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