Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Image Enhancement Through Local Segmentation and Denoising

Khushboo Pandey, Mr. Sanjeev Thakur

Abstract :

A unifying philosophy for carrying out low level image processing called local segmentation is presented here. Local segmentation provides a way to examine and understand existing algorithms, as well as an idea for creating new algorithms. Local segmentation can be apply to variety of important image processing jobs. The minimum message length (MML) information is used to select between models having different structure and complexity in an effort to improve the local segmentation. This leads to advance improvements in denoising performance. It is supposed that image processing in common could benefit greatly from the use of the local segmentation methodology

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Khushboo Pandey, Mr. Sanjeev Thakur Image Enhancement Through Local Segmentation and Denoising International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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