Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

Identification Of Service Gaps In Bsnl,Madurai –A Step Towards Improving Service Quality.

Anita Ramadass, Dr. C. Swarnalatha

Abstract :

Telecommunication services is facing heavy competition with the liberalization policy of the government and the entry of private players.The teledensity is increasing at a very fast pace.New players want to increase their market share while the already existing service provider BSNL, wants to retain its market share as well as increase upon it. With the customer having the choice to opt for more than one service provider with similar services, prices and heavy marketing it is the service quality which the customer is concerned about.Customer loyalty is dependent on customer satisfaction which in turn is dependent on service quality. The service quality gap model proposes five gaps in any service organization. This paper studies the gaps involved in an organization in a service sector with special reference to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,Madurai.The perceived service and the expected service depends on individuals but the factors which influence them can be managed to reduce the expectation perception gap of the customer. The customer’s experience with the service is what determines their perception of service quality and this experience can be made memorable by working on the other four gaps to reduce the service quality gap to minimum. This paper identifies the gaps in the context of BSNL,Madurai and provides suggestions to narrow down this gap. The reduction of all the gaps will itself enhance the customer’s experience and hence the service quality perception of the customer

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Anita Ramadass, Dr.C.Swarnalatha Identification Of Service Gaps In Bsnl,Madurai -A Step Towards Improving Service Quality. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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