Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Identification of an Individual Through Forensic Examination of Skeletal Remains

Dr. Nagaraju K. S. , Dr. Ganapati M. Tarase

Abstract :

Forensic anthropology is the application of anthropology to criminal investigations. It incorporates concepts and methods from biological anthropology (the study of the physical aspects of humanity).Identifying unknown individuals is a key part of forensic anthropology. Anthropologists assist in identifications primarily by constructing a biological profile. This includes estimating age, sex, stature, and ancestry, as well as identifying specific characteristics, like diseases or injuries. In addition to helping identify human remains, the anthropologist analyzes injuries that happened around the time of a person\'s death, which can help determine how a person died. To do these things, an anthropologist begins by asking a series of important questions. In order to correctly identify found human remains using skeletal material, forensic anthropologists focus on determining as many physical characteristics as possible, including age, gender, stature, and body type. Methods of estimation are quite reliable, though not 100% accurate, especially regarding phenotypic representations such as weight distribution or race. This paper will outline the methods used to determine these characteristics, and explain some of the problems forensic anthropologists face when attempting to match an individual with a set of skeletal remains.

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Dr. Nagaraju K. S., Dr.Ganapati M.Tarase Identification of an Individual Through Forensic Examination of Skeletal Remains International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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