Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Hyperbaric Spinal Ropivacaine for Elective Cesarean Section: A Comparison to Hyperbaric Bupivacaine

Dr. Yogesh Chand Modi, Dr. Reema Meena

Abstract :

 We evaluated the clinical efficacy and safety of spinal anesthesia with 0.5% hyperbaric ropivacaine compared with 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine for elective cesarean section. Eighty healthy, full–term parturients were randomly assigned to receive either 10 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine or 15 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric ropivacaine intrathecally. There were no significant differences in demographic or surgical variables or neonatal outcomes between groups. Onset time of sensory block upto T10 and upto peak level was more in the Ropivacaine group (P< 0.05). The median peak level of analgesia was T6 (T5–7) in both groups. Duration of sensory block was shorter in the ropivacaine group (128±6.34min vs. 107.6±6.33min; p<0.01). Complete motor block of the lower extremities was obtained in all patients. Onset of motor block was earlier in bupivacaine group (6.9±1.43min) in comparison to ropivacaine group (8.45±1.06 min).Ropivacaine produced a shorter duration of motor blockade than bupivacaine (102.75±12.03 min vs. 146±18.4min; P<0.001). The intraoperative quality of muscle relaxation was similar in both groups. Side effects did not differ between groups. 15mgs. of 0.5% hyperbaric ropivacaine provided effective spinal anesthesia with shorter duration of sensory and motor block, compared with 10 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine when administered intrathecally for cesarean section.

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Dr. Yogesh Chand Modi, Dr. Reema Meena, Hyperbaric Spinal Ropivacaine for Elective Cesarean Section: A Comparison to Hyperbaric Bupivacaine, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-3 | MARCH‾2017

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