Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Indian Sedimentary Basins–A Review

Atul Khatri, Parth Chauhan, P. L Srinivasa Rao, P. H. Rao

Abstract :

Twenty six sedimentary basins have been recognized in India with an aerial extent of about 3.14million sq. km. covering onland and offshore. These sedimentary basins have been classified earlier into four categories depending upon their degree of hydrocarbon prospectivity. About 22% of the area of the four has been commercially well explored, 66% of the area comprises of non-commercially productive zones (either poorly explored or exploration has just initiated) and the balance 12% has been totally unexplored (no data has been acquired till now). This review systematically analysed the major constraints responsible for the lack of commercial production by compå the Indian sedimentary basins with similar analogous basins of the world. In order to enhance the energy security of the country, frontier basins of India need to reinvigorate the exploratory effort with improved geo-scientific understanding of the basins with advanced technologies. Advanced Seismic and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques are being used in analogous basins that can be adopted in similar geological provinces of Indian basins to convert non-commercial basins to commercial basins. The recent advances in geo-scientific understanding of these basins, role of non-conventional petroleum systems and development of frontier technologies are going to play critical role in identifying new petroleum provinces. In national scenario, maximum thrust is placed on frontier basin exploration including deep sea acreages. The problem need to be tackled by using advanced technologies in seismic data acquisition as well as processing for thrust-fold belts. Improved methods of interpretation of geophysical data should be used. Advanced technologies should be widely used for identification of suitable source facies and area with effective source rock development.

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Atul Khatri,Parth Chauhan,P.L Srinivasa Rao,P.H. Rao Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Indian Sedimentary Basins-A Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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