Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Hybrid Technique for Incisional Hernia Repair: 18 Patients in a Single Center in Lebanon Case Series

Elias Saikaly, Fahim Abi Fadel, Ziad El Rassi

Abstract :

 Background: Incisional hernia is one of the most common complications post laparotomy; hyid technique is an emerging method that was reported in the repair of mainly large, complicated and recurrent incisional hernias.




Incisional hernia is one of the most common complications post laparotomies [1, 2]. The hyid technique combining both the open and laparoscopic approaches is in our opinion the best method to benefit from the advantages of both techniques in the matter of safe adhesiolysis and fascia approximation of the open approach and the outcomes of mini–invasive procedures post–operatively including postoperative pain, recovery and hospital stay. We present eighteen patients underwent incisional hernia repair using the hyid technique. Medical records were reviewed for risk factors for hernia development, previous surgery, incision site, Body mass index (BMI), size of defect, type of mesh that was used, and size of mesh, operative time, hospital stay and postoperative complications

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Elias Saikaly, Fahim Abi Fadel, Ziad El Rassi, Hybrid Technique for Incisional Hernia Repair: 18 Patients in a Single Center in Lebanon Case Series, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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