Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Humanity for better life: Views of ancient Western and modern Indian philosopher

Menaka Missong

Abstract :

 Man being a social animal and his life becomes meaningful only when we stop selfishness and give up thinking about own interest. Today we feel that peace is lost in this world it is only because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. In humanity, unkindness hatred etc is like bitter curse hurled against the fate of humanity. Improving humanity should be everyone’s goal. The humanity does not emace reverence for earth; we may soon be at the principle of extinction. We cannot get away from our humanity; we cannot jump out of another. So we must love one another as we love God. The present paper highlight the views of different philosophy put forwarded, how humanity is play a pivotal role in peace and harmony in the society.

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Menaka Missong Humanity For Better Life: Views of Ancient Western and Modern Indian Philosopher International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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