Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Human Resource Reengineering (A Radical Rethinking and Role of New Technology in HR Optimization)

Devadesh Sharma

Abstract :

The fundamental rethinking and radical redesigning the processes is termed as Reengineering. In an organization, to achieve dramatic improvements in critical and contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service & speed, state of the art information technology etc. radical rethinking is required which is an essential need, since it permits companies to Reengineer Business Processes and HR. Radical reengineering means starting from the scratch and understanding from the root of things and not just innovating on what simply exists. At the heart of reengineering lies the notion of discontinuous thinking - identifying and abandoning the outdated rules and fundamental assumptions that exist under current operations. The HR managers today come across many related problems - to increase productivity of the employee, add value to their services and to focus on saving companies finances by cost cutting. However, many top managers have vague ideas about Reengineering, what it can accomplish and what difficulties are faced during implementation phase. This work is an effort to help, clarify and assist HR professionals in radical rethinking, better designing, and implementing the Reengineering Processes with the help of new technologies.

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Devadesh Sharma Human Resource Reengineering (A Radical Rethinking and Role of New Technology in HR Optimization) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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