Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

How Astrology is Important in Medical Treatment

S. Senthikumar

Abstract :

One should keep his body in complete health since the same is very essential to lead a happy life. Ayurveda explains about Sarira(body) “ Saraha pranaha asmin Iiranthe ithi sariram” and explains the co-relation between body and mind ie.. Ayurveda and Astrology. Further it is accepted that, the influence of the planets are detrimental on one’s health , longevity as well as suffering. Quoting the following verse from Ayurvedic litrature :- “ Graheshu Anuguneshu Doshamargo Nava Sukhaha Graheshu Prthikooleshu na anukoolam hi bheshajam The bheshajaanaam veeryaani harnthi balavanthapi”

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S.Senthikumar How Astrology is Important in Medical Treatment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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