Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


Dr Shashikant Sharma, Dr Sameer Mehrotra

Abstract :

 An overwhelming proportion of deaths occur before patients even reach the hospital. Two third (60.7%) of the accident victims belonged to the age range of 15 to 44 years. As a result, governments in developing nations have been  attempting to establish and strengthen pre hospital emergency medical systems that can provide patients with pre hospital basic life support  and transportation to higher care. Unfortunately, pre hospital trauma care is not available to most of the world’s population and India is no  exception. In India, Helicopter Ambulance services are still in the stage of infancy. With the advent of technology and increase in purchasing  power of consumers, helicopter ambulances are likely to increase and extend their operations to meet the rising patient need and expectations, hence the need for hospitals to incorporate helipads in the initial hospital planning and designing stage. This document provides with  the guidelines for various stakeholders in the hospital for designing helipad services.

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Dr Shashikant Sharma, Dr Sameer Mehrotra HOSPITAL HELIPADS: DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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