Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018


Dr. Babita Yeshwante, Dr. Pooja Mundada, Dr. Nazish Baig, Dr. Vivek Jadhav, Dr. Vishakha Patil, Dr. Nimisha Barve

Abstract :

 Dentist bears the responsibility of providing a denture which is well fitting, light weight, well adapted and functionally stable. Complete denture success depends mainly on its retention, stability and support. Many a times we come across cases in which ridge is  veryresorbed, or the facial height of the patient is more, in such cases giving a conventional denture is not  advisable as the weight of the acrylic of the denture will be more and thus will affect retention of the denture.This article describes a case of completely edentulous patient successfully rehabilitated with a hollow denture where a simplified technique of faicating a light weight maxillary denture was used.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Babita Yeshwante, Dr. Pooja Mundada, Dr. Nazish Baig, Dr. Vivek Jadhav, Dr. Vishakha Patil, Dr. Nimisha Barve, HOLLOW DENTURE: A CASE REPORT, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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