Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2019


Dr. Pamu Suseela Kumari, Dr. Kollapu Lavanya

Abstract :

The coinfection of Tuberculosis and HIV is one of the major global challenge. TB is the leading cause of HIV related morbidity and mortality. Materials and methods: A total number of 11284 patients were included in our study who attended ICTC centre, GGH, Kakinada. After taking informed consent from all patients’ blood samples were collected and processed by three types of kits comb–AIDS–Rs advantage–ST, Meriscreen HIV 1–2 WB, Signal HIV. TB screening by CBNAAT at DTC centre and CD4 T–lymphocyte count at department of microbiology, GGH, Kakinada. Results: out of all patients males were (6621) 58.67% with 31–40 years age group 25% were predominant. A total number of (613) 5% were seropositive belongs to urban area 84.8%. Out of 613 seropositives (163) 26.5% were TB positive out of which (150) 92.02% were <200 CD4 count. Conclusion:TB is the most common opportunistic infection in all HIV positive individuals. Tuberculosis can occur at any level of depletion of CD4 count. Since TB–HIV fuel each other and proper effective management are essential to reduce morbidity and mortality.

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HIV CO-INFECTION WITH TUBERCULOSIS, Dr.Pamu Suseela Kumari, Dr.Kollapu Lavanya INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2019

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