Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Histopathological and Clinical Correlation of Hyperpigmented Skin Lesions

Dr. Priyadarshini D, Dr. Padmini Jeyachandran

Abstract :

Introduction: The spectrum of hyperpigmented lesion is wider which causes psychological distress and cosmetic deformity1,2. Aims: 1)To know the clinical and histopathological patterns of hyperpigmented lesions of skin 2)Age and sex distribution of the disease.3)To assess the clinical diagnostic accuracy by histopathology and to know about epidermal, dermal and mixed hyperpigmentation by using special stains. Material and methods: A total of 100 patients with hyperpigmented skin lesions in all age groups attending Dermatology department. Results: In this study, maximum number of cases were of classical lichen planus and its variants, other include, Prurigo Nodularis, Simplex, PIH, , morphea, eczema, PMLE, , acne, Erythema Dyschromium perstans.92 cases shows histopathological correlation and 8 cases were diagnosed only on histology. Conclusion: Hyperpigmented skin lesions encompasses melanin incontinence secondary to basal cell damage. The pathologist ability to render an accurate diagnosis depends on the available clinical information

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Dr. Priyadarshini D, Dr.Padmini Jeyachandran Histopathological and Clinical Correlation of Hyperpigmented Skin Lesions International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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