Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Hiring and Retaining Human Capital in Indian IT Sector In Search of Alchemy

Smt. Rashmi Kumari

Abstract :

The hyper competitive business environment is experiencing a fierce competition for skilled employees. Increase in productivity and quality rests on implementing different ways and means to retain key performers in the organization. The problem is highly persisted in IT industry. The IT industry is facing the critical challenges of recruitment and retention of best talent. There are many factors which influence retention and it is required to understand employee expectations, that can made them to stay long back and perform well. Global explosion in business creates more opportunities and people are highly mobile not restricting to particular job.

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Smt. Rashmi Kumari /Hiring and Retaining Human Capital in Indian IT Sector In Search of Alchemy /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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