Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Heritage of Roghan painting–Its motifs and design

Meena Batham, Dr. Chitra Arora

Abstract :

This article is documentation about the existing motifs and designs used in Roghan painted articles in Nirona village in Kutch, Gujarat. The designs created through Roghan painting has their own uniqueness and was ranged from simple geometrical motifs including floral, plants, animals, and birds, human and abstract motifs. These motifs are drawn from the natural world and religious association. Presently, tree of life motif has been extensively used in Roghan painted articles. Tree of life is a blooming floral design with bouquet in panel and shapes of mihrab. Roghan painting are well known for their beauty, in which each single motif signifies an important aspect of life. Use of Roghan paste for producing designs on faics is an ancient tradition not known to many people.

Keywords :

Nirona   Roghan   Motif   Design  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Meena Batham, Dr. Chitra Arora Heritage of Roghan painting-Its motifs and design International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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