Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Hearing Loss–Continuous Noise Exposure among Street Hawkers & Shop Keepers

Mrs. Sreevidya. Sherla, Mrs. Lubna Eram

Abstract :

Exposure to loud sound source results in damage to the structures of cochlea such as hair cells and associated nerve causing heå loss. Hair cells are tonotopically organized and the damage to the same occurs in correspondence to the frequency of sound being exposed to. Exposure to noise in occupational setting majorly occurs in the high frequency region; therefore, the characteristic feature of noise induced heå loss ranges from 3 kHz – 6 kHz (Dobie,2001). The current study focused on investigating the effect of traffic noise on shopkeepers and street hawkers. A total of 60 subjects were selected and divided into groups on base of their years of experience. Heå thresholds were obtained. Results revealed that a significant difference exists in heå threshold of the two groups. It was also noted that long duration exposure resulted in high frequency loss.

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Mrs. Sreevidya.Sherla, Mrs. Lubna Eram Hearing Loss‾Continuous Noise Exposure among Street Hawkers & Shop Keepers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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